Sports Therapy
Is the assessment, treatment and management of musculo-skeletal conditions - which primarily affect movement and mobility. Sports therapy utilises functional screening and assessment to guide the use of a range of modalities including hands on treatment and corrective exercises. Sports therapy is a happy medium between Remedial massage and Physiotherapy. They combine the best of both to provide optimal function and rehabilitation where necessary.
Techniques utilised:
-Physical and functional assessment - Joint mobilisation - Cupping - Kinesiology/rigid taping - MET(muscle energy technique) - Remedial massage - Corrective exercises
What can you expect?
Our Sports therapist will take a detailed history of you relating to your particular injury/dysfuction, as well as a physical assessment of your specific condition. Following the outcome of the assessment, they will determine the best course of action to enable you to return to your peak performance level or to a more functional and healthy state.
Sports Massage
An athlete's peak performance is often dependent on the proper use and application of sports massage. More than a treatment for injuries, it produces overwhelming benefits for athletes physically, physiologically and psychologically.
Sports massage is designed to prepare the athlete for optimal performance, reduce fatigue and to relieve muscle swelling and tension. During physical activity- especially strenous- tension builds up in the soft tissues of the body. Due to overextension, overexertion or overuse, minor injuries and lesions occur in these tissues that can cause pain, damage and poor athletic performance. Sports massage helps alleviate pain and prevent injuries that can greatly affect flexibility, mobility and overall athletic performance.
One of the most common setbacks for athletes is delayed onset muscle soreness, More commonly known as DOMS. This refers to muscle pain that typically develops several hours post exercise and consists of predominantly eccentric muscle actions-especially if the exercise is unfamiliar. Although DOMS is likely a symptom of exccentric exercise induced muscle damage, it does not affect muscle damage. Recent studies have concluded that sports massage may help reduce and prevent the often painful and debilitating effects of DOMS in athletes.
We believe massage should be applied before and after athletic events, with many "maintenance" sessions in between competitions. Pre-event massage focuses on stimulating the major muscle groups and to improve myofascial connective tissue pliability. Post massage is given following an athletic performance and is mainly focused on recovery. This Type of sports massage is geared toward reducing muscle spasms and metabolic build up that occur with vigorous exercise.
Integrated into a weekly training regimen, athletes may avoid DOMS, relax and revitalize muscles, and feel calmer and more focused before and after events.